Sunday 4 April 2010

"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

This book is definitely in my top three. Having gone through a stage when I read lots of classics, I was beginning to become a little disillusioned with them all. Some tend to drone on a bit, and spend chapters describing a field/a sunrise. This however was different.

Elizabeth Bennett's character is extremely likeable and relatable, someone who wouldn't seem out of place in the real world. Mr. Darcy is a complete arse, when we first meet him, but soon changes, and Austen writes with so much wit, and insight, that this book doesn't feel nearly 200 years old! Anyone who has read much Jane Austen, can tell you that "Pride and Prejudice" is the best of the bunch, and some may even go so far as to say that it's almost as though it was written by a different person!