Sunday 25 April 2010

"North and South" by Elizabeth Gaskell

"North and South" probably falls within my top 3 books of all time. Margaret Hale is a southern girl, from rural Helstone in England, sheltered and spoilt, when suddenly she finds her life, prejudices, and opinions all topsy turvy, because of a move to the 'industrial north' (i.e. Manchester).

Gaskell was a great socialist, and this definitely comes across in her writing. She champions the rights of the poor, and asks the reader what it means to be educated. The characters are well developed, and the story has a lot more to it, than many others from its era. I won't lie, the story is a little sad at times, and made me cry more than once!

Incredibly romantic throughout, with a heart at its centre, be sure to check out the last page- one of the best endings I've read!