Sunday 2 May 2010

"Villette" by Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Bronte's second most famous book, I read this after reading "Jane Eyre" (which I loved-a review will probably follow at some point!) I was in all-out Bronte mode, and wanted to get my hands on anything else written by them, which is how I came across this.

To be honest, I was confused! The story is centered around Lucy Snowe, who moves to Brussels to become a teacher. Hardly anything is told about Lucy's past, her appearance, her character...I get the feeling that this book was more like a public diary for Charlotte Bronte herself. I didn't even realise when one of the characters was supposed to be in love with another! That's how vague it was.

The story line is a bit depressing i.e. lots of bad weather, solitary walks, and unrequited love etc etc. The characters are neither likable nor dislikable- they just don't seem real, and even the end was a disapointment: even more vague, and open-ended than the rest of it. This book is only for hard core Bronte fans, but even they must not expect too much

(p.s the frequent use of french gets on your nerves too!)